Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Tips Economize Power Battery Blackberry

Fact that Blackberry battery quicker used up or finished than other celullar phone battery,much factors that make quick ending blackberry battery.

Begin at that goes on data synchronization can be all the times till wireless connection need that sometime very needed when usage.

Conduct upgrade software version with newest (version 5.0) one of them that considered as solution most active,because version software 5.0 this are recognized most economize battery till 40 percents.

Nevertheless not all Blackberry can be upgraded with version referreds, in other hand to upgrade software are also required computer peripheral and bravery big enough.

To all owner Blackberry don't fly low former because here there are some tips to economize power Blackberry battery our,and following its description...

  • Conducted Blackberry battery admission filling whenever we can or when celullar phone is not used.
  • Used charge standart genuiness Blackberry because admission filling power had passed by testing phase and charging-current also more stabilize.
  • Lessened volume when celullar phone are used to play media, music or video.
  • Headphone to lessen power usage by internal speaker celullar phone.
  • When conduct transfers media better Blackberry desktop manager and avoid resizing or fox of file size.
  • Killed at setting equalizer can you conducted pass by media options.
  • If you like visited site better visited site that had the character of mobile and avoided too much enter site full web.
  • Setting repeat animations was at lowest parameter can be conducted pass by Browser-Options-General properties.
  • Browser Cover was when we finished used can be conducted pass by ESC or option-close not end key.
Screen or Keyboard:
  • Hoped lessened time time out backlight was at screen can be conducted pass by Options-Screen or Keyboard.
  • Lessened Brightness pass by Options-Screen or Keyboard.
  • Put down celullar phone into Holster because of this matter, will kill LCD automatically.
  • Arranged audible roll or mute pass by Options-Screen or Keyboard.
  • Killed Key Tone pass by Options-Screes or Keyboard.
  • Used sack bag or Holster when bring celullar phone in pocket.
Network Connection:
  • Kill connection that not used, like GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
  • Use auto on/off.
  • Use Single Mode for example 1XEV, 2G only, 3G only.
  • Used shortcut than passed by menu activation java pass by Browser-Options-Browser Configuration.
  • Killed flash pass by Camera-Options.
  • Arrange picture size to small.
  • Arrange color effect to normal.
  • Arrange Picture Quality to normal.
  • When we exit application ascertained if had closed application that we weared pass by ESC key or Options-Close don't only button red end.
  • Logarithm out of all third party application when not we require like feature chatting and Facebook.
  • Killed all notification audio pass by profile.
  • Killed coverage LED pass by profile.
  • Conduct zoom out till we can get angle corner of location picture that admit of used for navigation.
So much a little tips that can be used however not all must you conduct and not also must forever like that.
To the needs of and hopefully useful,thank you.

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InfoPhone-KDR on March 12, 2010 at 4:42 PM said...

The information is very useful to the users blackberry in particular, continue to share my friend thank you...:D

BlackBerry 9700 Battery on August 9, 2010 at 11:10 PM said...

Stop being a low battery loser and wake up!!!! listen to my top tip!!! dim the backlight... no thanks needed... BONUS TIP!!!! WOW!!! Turn off GPS NOW!!!.....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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